Thursday, July 25, 2019

Borsche & Beer

Borsche & Beer
Piroshky & Crepes
Location: Everett, WA
Date: May 25, 2018
Tag Team Partners: Ren, Alex

(Blogger's Note: It's been a while since I've posted.  Between a long few weeks at my day job, and lots of things going on the past month, I've been pretty busy working lots of hours for multiple days in a row and traveling around the world.  The next few posts will be subsequent, but were from the last several months.  I apologize for the delay.)

I went out for lunch with Ren and her friend from work Alex.  We decided to try this European place that was in our town.  I got the Borsche and it was decidedly excellent.  I paired a special Honey Rye to go with it.

Excellent place, definitely check out Piroshky & Crepes

On my Tap for the Night was:

- Ochakovskiy Kvass
Style: IPA - Kvass
Brewery: Ochakovo
Untapped Rating: 3.75/5
Description: "Very sweet drink, like a honey rye soda."
Comments: Tasted more like a soda, but still paired well with the Borsche, and provided a sweet treat-like flavor.  I'd drink it again.

Charlotte Airport - Carolina Beer Triple Shot

Carolina Brew Double Shot
Charlotte-Douglas International Airport
Location: Charlotte, NC
Date: May 22, 2018
Tag Team Partners: None

(Blogger's Note: It's been a while since I've posted.  Between a long few weeks at my day job, and lots of things going on the past month, I've been pretty busy working lots of hours for multiple days in a row and traveling around the world.  The next few posts will be subsequent, but were from the last several months.  I apologize for the delay.)

After spending a few days back East with my best friend, his family, and seeing my family for a bit, it was time to fly back home.  As is tradition for any trip anywhere, you need to get a drink at any given airport you fly through.  This particular journey allowed me to fly home via Charlotte with a 3 hour layover.  Plenty of time to knock a few back and enjoy the atmosphere. 

Had to collect the Charlotte Douglas International Snapchat Stamp!

Overall, not a bad place to have to kill a few hours.  There's a cool view of the city from a certain part of the airport.

There are also some dedications to flying (Wright Brothers), and some really nice people to talk to.  I'd fly through Charlotte again.

On my Tap for the Night was:

Style: IPA - Brown Ale
Untapped Rating: 4/5
Description: "Amazing, Sweet, Flavorful."
Comments: First beer to knock away.  Tried this one on a recommendation from the bartender.  Not bad, very sweet, lots of flavor, and exceptional.  High marks.  

Style: American IPA
Untapped Rating: 3/5
Description: "Good IPA, very citrusy, strong, sharp, piney, yet tropical."
Comments: Pretty solid IPA, nice mix of various flavors and textures.  It helps pass the time through the layover.

- Swell Rider Tangerine
Style: Session Ale
Brewery: D9 Brewing Company
Untapped Rating: 2.75/5
Description: "Sour, citrusy, but light, smooth and refreshing."
Comments: This one is for the sour beer lovers out there.  I didn't enjoy it as much, but then again, when it comes to sour beers, I prefer Flanders.  This one was ok, but only if you want something refreshingly sour.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Waynesboro Beer Fest 2018

Waynesboro Beer Festival 2018
Location: Waynesboro, PA
Date: May 19, 2018
Tag Team Partners: Tim Reihner

(Blogger's Note: It's been a while since I've posted.  Between a long few weeks at my day job, and lots of things going on the past month, I've been pretty busy working lots of hours for multiple days in a row and traveling around the country.  The next few posts are from last year.  I apologize for the delay.)

I've heard about this event for years, but after moving 4,000 miles away, I never had the chance to get to one...until now.  I flew back to my hometown and while running around all week, I had some free time, so made plans to check this out!

Sometimes you just gotta love beer.  So much in fact that you want it, in many styles, colors, flavors, and quantity.  So what better place to go than to a Beer Festival?  Tim and I were up for a challenge!

I enlisted my best friend to tag team this event with me.  It was a pretty nice event.  I saw some people from my hometown that I had not seen or talked to in years.  It's crazy just how long 10 years actually is vs. how long it feels or seems.

There were tons of great breweries at this place, and it was a nice blast.  maybe I'll have to head back again some year.

This list is a bit incomplete.  Some beers have no ratings or anything other than being listed.  I only have listed 19 of the 32 I sampled that day...because when you get to 20 samples while catching up with people from 30 years of life, and running all around, you tend to get fuzzy memories and forget to log them.

Also included are 3 bonus beers from after the Beer Festival.  One was from my friend Jackie's house, whom we visited and had an awesome dinner with, and the other two are from the Dawg House which we ran around with my sister and her crew.

On my Tap for the Night was:

Style: IPA
Untappd Rating: N/A
Description: N/A
Comments: N/A

Style: Fruit Beer
Brewery: Saranac Brewery
Untappd Rating: 3.5/5
Description: N/A
Comments: N/A

Style: Imperial IPA
Untappd Rating: 2.5/5
Description: "Good bitter fruity."
Comments: Not a bad IPA.  More on the fruity end of the spectrum in terms of IPA.  It's not going to be the ultra-bitter brew you're expecting, but it's refreshing and relaxing.

Style: Fruit Beer
Untappd Rating: 3/5
Description: "Sweet beer, pineapple flavor"
Comments: Not bad, sweet relaxing ale.

Style: IPA
Untappd Rating: 3/5
Description: "Bitter IPA"
Comments: It's what you come to expect from an IPA.  Bitter, light, refreshing.  Deal!

Style: Pale Ale
Untappd Rating: 2.5/5
Description: "Weird bitterness, like a sour banana"
Comments: A mix up of several different sorts of fruit.  Not bad, but certainly a distinctive taste.  If you like different fruits, you'll enjoy this one!

Style: Stout
Untappd Rating: 3.5/5
Description: "Very coffee Peanut Butter Chocolate Stout"
Comments: Good PB & Chocolate coffee stout, with a bigger emphasis on coffee.  The PB & chocolate mix it a good sweet flavor to mix in for a nice dark treat.

Style: Grapefruit Pale Ale
Untappd Rating: 2.75/5
Description: "Very sour grapefruit pale"
Comments: Sour is the name of the game, and it shines through.  If you've ever tried grapefruit, you will definitely see how it influences the taste of the beer.

Style: Pale Ale
Untappd Rating: 3/5
Description: "Good pale ale, mild."
Comments: Decent pale ale, hits on all the right parts, and makes for a nice brew.

Style: IPA
Untappd Rating: 3.25/5
Description: N/A
Comments: N/A

Style: Saison
Untappd Rating: 4/5
Description: "Like a good whitbier"
Comments: Very good, very sweet.  Enjoyable

Style: Hefeweizen
Untappd Rating: 4/5
Description: N/A
Comments: N/A

Style: Stout
Untappd Rating: 4/5
Description: "Amazing"
Comments: Totally awesome chocolate stout.  Very sweet, very rich, and just a great dark beer!

Style: Wheat Beer
Untappd Rating: 3.25/5
Description: "Sweet bitter strawberries"
Comments: Award-winning strawberry wheat beer.  Nice sweet taste, fruity elements, effective flavoring.  Very well done!

Style: Fruit Beer
Untappd Rating: 3.25/5
Description: "Awesome"
Comments: Very good blueberry ale.  Nice taste, fruity tones, and bitter-sweetness.

Style: Stout
Untappd Rating: 4/5
Description: Epic coffee beer, fluid, sweet
Comments: Very nicely rounded coffee stout.  Delicious in the right places, and simply dark.  You will have what she's having!


Style: Fruit Beer
Untappd Rating: 3/5
Description: N/A
Comments: N/A

Style: Sour
Untappd Rating: 2.25/5
Description: Sour, cold, refreshing
Comments: Not a bad beer, but my sour buds were partied out at this point.  It was decent, and the cold description shows my intoxication level.  While not my favorite, I'm not opposed to sour lovers trying it.

Style: Cider
Untappd Rating: 2.75/5
Description: "Sweet peachy vanilla sugar"
Comments: Very sweet cider ale.  Southern influences make this a nice and refreshing drink, with peach flavors, slight bitterness, and nice taste.

Flying Dog Brewery

Brewery Review
Location: Frederick, MD
Date: May 18, 2018
Tag Team Partners: Dad

(Blogger's Note: It's been a while since I've posted.  Between a long few weeks at my day job, and lots of things going on the past month, I've been pretty busy working lots of hours for multiple days in a row and traveling around the country.  The next few posts are from last year.  I apologize for the delay.)

Good People Do Drink Good Beer.  I could not agree more.  This is why once we arrived back in Frederick, the adventure continued on.  After taking the world's longest piss, we hopped in the MX-5 and raced down to Flying Dog Brewery to grab a few samples and a pint or two before closing.

I've had Flying Dog in the past, and have always had a very good impression of them from the beginning.  They have always delivered solid-quality beers that have gone above and beyond.  Strangely, despite living in Frederick for a short period of time, I never ventured over to their brewery until this point.

The taproom is decorated out very nicely and has a strong Maryland influence on it, while also promoting the significance of local brewery culture.  This is very important, because while it's nice to have the big regional brewers that expand their business worldwide, sometimes it's the ones that are in our backyard that can provide a pretty impressive product, and keep our tax money reinvested in our local communities.  All we have to do is keep them in business, and challenge them to keep us thirsty for the best craft-brewed product they can supply.

The Maryland Crab has found its way in and welcomes travelers to the brewery's home state in the best Flying Dog fashion.

Their IPAs are pretty exceptional, and if you're passing through, or staying for a bit, definitely stop in to check out the hype.  If you're an IPA person, you won't be disappointed.  Make sure you grab some water too.  Some of these sweet things can pack a punch!

 The other thing I truly enjoyed was the ability of this brewery to keep in the tradition of serving up the best of humor.  As with the urinal in Diamondknot Brewing, the movie posters in Dirty Bucket Brewing, and the dog water beer tap in Middleton Brewing, Flying Dog supplies its own brand of humor with an eye-chart filled with funny sight gags and some art displays over its wall.

Overall, I really enjoyed this visit, and look forward to many more returns to this place in the future.  The beer was very good, the atmosphere was nice and relaxed, and I can see why many people make this a stop on their weekend errands or grabbing a cold one for the ride home.  Flying Dog is highly recommended!

Click on the link for more information about Flying Dog Brewery

On my Tap for the Night was:

Style: IPA
Untapped Rating: 3/5
Description: "Awesome Ale."
Comments: The description says it all.  This was a pretty great ale.  Nice hoppy tones of IPA, with a deliciously refreshingly sweet orange flavor to it, it want down nice and smooth.  Recommended.
Style: IPA
Untapped Rating: 3/5
Description: "Solid IPA.  Bitter, refreshing."
Comments: This was a nice refreshing IPA.  Bitter and hoppy in all the right places.  Definitely packs a bit of a bite, but when that's what you're in dire thirst of, that's what you go for!
Style: IPA
Untapped Rating: 3.25/5
Description: "Super bitter IPA.  Good."
Comments: The hops are in full force with this one.  If bitter is your sweet spot, then you need to look no further than The Truth.  This test will gauge the true IPA drinkers from the rest.  Sometimes the bitter truth is just what we all need.
Style: Chesapeake Stout
Untapped Rating: 3.5/5
Description: "Decent coffee stout, flavorful, refreshing, smooth, sweet."
Comments: This makes for a good dessert beer.  Refreshing in all the right spots, smooth, and best of all sweet.  Coffee infusions shine and give this a good taste of how the East Coast does dark beer.
Style: Rye Pale Ale
Untapped Rating: 3.25/5
Description: "Sweeter Pale Ale."
Comments: I'd say the project was a success.  Imagine drinking a Pale Ale, only with a sweeter tone to it.  Nice and light, hoppy with a hint of spice.  Delicious. 
Style: Ginger Beer
Untapped Rating: 3.75/5
Description: "Whit bier with Ginger.  Very sweet.  Very Ginger."
Comments: Now here's a beer I haven't had much experience with over the course of my travels.  The most I've seen of Ginger Beers are the ones you fine in the store that are similar on the non-alcoholic circuit along with Root Beers.  This one carried an exceptionally find ginger taste, with a rich sweetness, and similarities to a Whit Bier.  Very nicely done!
Style: IPA
Untapped Rating: 3.5/5
Description: "Very sweet flavor.  Fruity"
Comments:  Certainly a rarity in the span of breweries, but a great experiment to go on.  This beer was sweet in taste, and fruity in flavor.  I enjoyed it.  If you're looking for the ultra-bitter IPA, this one isn't for you.  If you're looking for one that is different than most of the others out there, but not to an appalling extent, check it out.  This is more the tropical citrusy sweetness you'd expect from the more relaxed IPAs as opposed to the ones that will put hair on your chest.

Style: Lager - Pale
Untapped Rating: 3.25/5
Description: "Like a blonde Corona."
Comments: Not a bad lager.  This one had the usual tones and textures of Mexican Lagers, but with a Blonde flavor mixed in as well.  Went down smoothly, and was very enjoyable on a nice warm day.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Classic Cars and College Towns - Double Shot (with Bonus)

Classic Cars and College Towns - Double Shot (with Bonus!)
Location: Shippensburg, PA
Date: May 18, 2018
Tag Team Partners: Dad

(Blogger's Note: It's been a while since I've posted.  Between a long few weeks at my day job, and lots of things going on the past month, I've been pretty busy working lots of hours for multiple days in a row and traveling around the country.  The next few posts are from last year.  I apologize for the delay.)

After an awesome time hanging out with Sam, Nate & the Huskies, I continued East to my stomping grounds.  Late at night, I ended up in Shippensburg and crashed at my friend Sarah's house.  I hadn't seen her in a few years, so it was good to catch up with her...and get mutilated by her cat.

After getting some breakfast in the morning, I headed to the next city up in Carlisle, for their Import Show.  I have gone to this show several times over the years (and maybe skipped school a few times for it as well).  The show used to be a big-time trade show, but due to eBay, has gotten smaller each year.

I got to watch my friend Andrew race his Miata all over the Autocross course.  It was incredible.  Now that I've experienced the amazingness of the MX-5, I could totally imagine the feeling of going into each of those turns.  If only I could use the Force to summon mine 4,000 miles away...but alas, it was still amazing.

After some food, and meeting up with some other friends from the British car shows over the years, we headed on down to Shippensburg to grab some beer at what replaced my favorite college drinking spot.

Knute's Pub & Grille once drove in the masses on King St in Shippensburg.  I was there every Tuesday night for Rum and Coke night, and for many other events over my time there.  Sadly, the owners decided to close down the business when they retired.  In its place, Appalachian Brewing Company bought the space and put in a brewpub.

We both had 2 beers while we were here, and they were pretty good.  It helped me to earn the Appalachian badge on Untappd.  Not a bad little spot, but definitely for me it will always be Knute's in my heart.

Afterwards, we raced back down to Frederick which was kinda funny because after a few beers over a couple of hours, nature calls...should have taken a pit stop, but the show must go on!  I don't think I've ever taken a piss quite so hard in all my life...but anyways back to the beer.

Click on the link for more information about Appalachian Brewing Company

On my Tap for the Night was:

Style: Stout
Untappd Rating: 3/5
Description: "Sweet Chocolately Stout."
Comments: This was a pretty sweet stout.  Flavors of chocolate all around, with a nice dark smooth taste.

- Peregrine 
Style: Pilsner
Brewery: Appalachian Brewing
Untappd Rating: 2.25/5
Description: "Like if you took a pepper shaker and made a beer."
Comments: Not a bad beer, but certainly a certain level of spice that is sort of odd.  I drank it, but just depends on what you're looking for.

- Hoppy Trails
Style: IPA
Untappd Rating: 3.25/5
Description: "Fruity, more mild IPA, good hops but not overbearing."
Comments: Nice and fruity IPA.  I only took a sip of this one, but it was pretty good.  Hit the spot in all the right places, nice and flavorful, and refreshing on a nice Spring day.

Dinner With Friends

Dinner With Friends
Location: Monroeville, PA
Date: May 17, 2018
Tag Team Partners: Sam, Nathan

(Blogger's Note: It's been a while since I've posted.  Between a long few weeks at my day job, and lots of things going on the past month, I've been pretty busy working lots of hours for multiple days in a row and traveling around the country.  The next few posts are from last year.  I apologize for the delay.)

Before heading back East across Pennsylvania, I stopped in Monroeville to see my friend Sam and her husband, Nathan.  It was a great visit, including lots of Husky love, and we checked out a very cool place called Dad's.

Before heading out, we had a beer at their house, and I got to meet two amazing Husky friends.  They were wild and full of energy.  And seemed super happy to see someone new hanging out and playing with them.  We drank Ol' Wylie's IPA, which is from Rivertowne Brewing.

After hanging out and catching up on old times, we headed out to Dad's for some great food, and more time to spend joking, laughing and enjoying life.

Once there I found brews from all over the place, which had me very excited and appreciative of this particular location.  After recommending some Deschutes beer for Nate & Sam, I drank a Hofbräu Maibock.

The restaurant itself was amazing.  It was a super cozy little place to grab some truly amazing craft beer, and to eat some delicious pizza fired up right off the grill.  Between the BBQ and the Buffalo Chicken, it was absolutely fantastic

After several hours of fun, it was time to pack up and head on over to where I grew up.  It was an amazing time, and I couldn't wait for the next visit.

Click on the link for more information about Dad's Pub & Grub

On my Tap for the Night was:

Style: IPA
Untapped Rating: 2.75/5
Description: "N/A."
Comments: Pretty good IPA, and one of the best beers you can get out of a can.  As usual, Rivertowne makes an exceptional beer that is great for relaxing with friends, and delivers the hoppiness and bitters you come to expect from an IPA.

Style: Maibock
Untapped Rating: 3.25/5
Description: "Kinda like a Whitbier meets an Ale."
Comments: Pretty good Maibock.  This tasted slightly toasted, and had a sweeter taste along with the tones of a nice ale.  This was a great recommendation, and I recommend others trying it as well.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Pittsburgh Bar Hop

Pittsburgh Bar Hop
Isabella, PA
Brew's Belly
Darby's Pub
Jack's Bar
Dee's Cafe
Location: Pittsburgh, PA (and surrounding areas)
Date: May 15-16, 2018
Tag Team Partners: Tim, Alyssa, Pluto, Admiral, Kris, Gary

(Blogger's Note: It's been a while since I've posted.  Between a long few weeks at my day job, and lots of things going on the past month, I've been pretty busy working lots of hours for multiple days in a row and traveling around the country.  The next few posts will be subsequent, but were from 1-3 months ago.  I apologize for the delay, but sleep and bills need to happen/get paid.)

While hanging out in the Pittsburgh area, we had a lot of different beers while doing a bunch of different things.  The 15th, we went on this totally amazing hike, and also cooked some breakfast.  The 16th, we decided to meet up with some people to go bar hop downtown.  

Starting off at the house in Isabella, we started the day with both Tim and Alyssa teaching me how to cook hashbrowns with some Seagrams Cherry Cola Hard Soda.  After getting an original hashbrown made, I decided to make a dessert version which wasn't too bad, but a bit on the sweet side.

Next, we loaded up the backpack with some Keystone Premiums and the leftover Rivertowne from the night before, and set out on a hike in the hills of Western Pennsylvania.  It was a beautiful day, and probably the only challenging issue was the fact that the water level was pretty high, so some of the trails were marked off a good amount.

Pretty deep cracks in the land.

The distance from land to water was about 6 feet, the picture doesn't grant it due justice.

 The hike itself was pretty amazing, with some pretty stunning visuals of the water levels.  You could really see the different layers down by the water.

Taking a look straight on down the river.

After climbing one of the bigger paths on the hills, I turned around to take a picture down.

Further beyond that, we climbed to an even higher part, and continued to look back over the scenery.

Here is a shot of Tim in the distance as we began to descend back down the hills, and head home for the day.

A great look back at just how far we had come, and the road that would lead us home.

Once we got back, we went to cook some dinner.  We added a whole bunch of random ingredients and made a pretty good meal from it.

The Next Day...

After waking up and eating some leftover hashbrowns, we headed out to meet up with Pluto, and headed on to Brew's Belly.  This was a smaller bar, with an assortment of light beers and food.  I went with ICLight.  I have had Iron City before, but never the light version.  As expected, it was an exceptionally light beer, but it was all decked out in the Penguin's championship design, so that made it better.

Next we headed to Darby's Pub.  Once here, we started getting into more of the craft brews, as we shot some pool, and rocked out to some pretty awesome rock music.  I rocked some Voodoo Ranger IPA.  Totally had a blast, and plus it's a nice relaxing place to throw a few down while shooting some pool.

Later on that night, we headed downtown, to Jack's Bar where we drank some Yuengling Premium Lager and took some fun photos with the statues and posters around.  Pretty cool place, and the funniest part is the stall with no door.  Don't drink too much Yuengling :D .  Good times!

Following that, we met up with Admiral, Kris, and Gary at Dee's Cafe, where we shot pool, drank some more beer, and had a good ol' time hanging out downtown.  We even tried to shoot some commercials for Pizza!  This was an awesome place to meet up with friends, and have fun.  Definitely recommended.

Overall, great bar hop with amazing people, awesome night!

For more information on the following places, click the respective links below:
Isabella, PA
Brew's Belly
Darby's Pub
Jack's Bar
Dee's Cafe

On my Tap for the Day/Nightwas:

Style: Lager
Untapped Rating: 2.5/5
Description: "Light beer"
Comments: Nothing that stands out too dramatically.  This is a good light beer that if you want to drink several of them over a few hours, it does the job.

- Hard Soda - Cherry Cola
Style: Malt Liquor
Brewery: Seagram's Escapes
Untapped Rating: 2.25/5
Description: "N/A"
Comments: Alcoholic flavored Cherry Cola.  It's not really beer, but since it falls into the same sort of catagory as beer, it falls into the element.

- I.C. Light
Style: Lager
Brewery: Pittsburgh Brewing Company
Untapped Rating: 2.5/5
Description: Light beer, refreshing
Comments: I've had Iron City beer before.  It's the Pittsburgh version of worldwide light beers in the spirit of Old Milwaulkie, Rainier, and any other variety of local flavor light beer.  It's a night one to kick back while enjoying the company of friends in that area.

- Voodoo Ranger IPA
Style: IPA
Brewery: New Belgium
Untapped Rating: 3/5
Description: "N/A"
Comments: Nice, strong, refreshing IPA.  At 7%, it will help you relax from you day, but it also brings some pretty decent hops, and a great bitterness mixed in to give it that refreshing IPA taste.  Highly Recommended.

- Samuel Adams Porch Rocker
Style: Shady/Radler
Brewery: Boston Beer Company
Untapped Rating: 3.5/5
Description: "Like Alcoholic Sprite."
Comments: This beer came off tasting more like a soda beer.  It wasn't the sweet carbonated taste like a Hard Soda, but it had elements of it in terms of sweetness, and different flavor.  Not too bad.

- Yuengling Traditional Lager
Style: Lager
Brewery: Yuengling
Untapped Rating: 4/5
Descripton: "Tastes like Home.  Light, and refreshing."
Comments: Certainly one of the best lagers I have ever drank, if not the best.  I may have some bias on this being from the PA area, but Yuengling has never let me down.  Perfect beer to go with pizza, or any other sort of food.  Even better to enjoy it in the confines of Pennsylvania.  For those that avoid this for political reasons, I am sorry to say, you are missing out on an incredible beer.  More for me.  Highly Recommended.

- Blue Collar Blonde
Style: Blonde Ale
Brewery: Rusty Rail
Untapped Rating: 4/5
Description: "Awesome flavorful blonde, hint of fruit."
Comments: Pretty decent blonde ale, and one of the best I've had in a while.  Most blondes I've had in recent memory are either far too light, or push too far into the element to create a nice, smooth, drinkable ale.  This one worked well.