Thursday, March 21, 2019

Waynesboro Beer Fest 2018

Waynesboro Beer Festival 2018
Location: Waynesboro, PA
Date: May 19, 2018
Tag Team Partners: Tim Reihner

(Blogger's Note: It's been a while since I've posted.  Between a long few weeks at my day job, and lots of things going on the past month, I've been pretty busy working lots of hours for multiple days in a row and traveling around the country.  The next few posts are from last year.  I apologize for the delay.)

I've heard about this event for years, but after moving 4,000 miles away, I never had the chance to get to one...until now.  I flew back to my hometown and while running around all week, I had some free time, so made plans to check this out!

Sometimes you just gotta love beer.  So much in fact that you want it, in many styles, colors, flavors, and quantity.  So what better place to go than to a Beer Festival?  Tim and I were up for a challenge!

I enlisted my best friend to tag team this event with me.  It was a pretty nice event.  I saw some people from my hometown that I had not seen or talked to in years.  It's crazy just how long 10 years actually is vs. how long it feels or seems.

There were tons of great breweries at this place, and it was a nice blast.  maybe I'll have to head back again some year.

This list is a bit incomplete.  Some beers have no ratings or anything other than being listed.  I only have listed 19 of the 32 I sampled that day...because when you get to 20 samples while catching up with people from 30 years of life, and running all around, you tend to get fuzzy memories and forget to log them.

Also included are 3 bonus beers from after the Beer Festival.  One was from my friend Jackie's house, whom we visited and had an awesome dinner with, and the other two are from the Dawg House which we ran around with my sister and her crew.

On my Tap for the Night was:

Style: IPA
Untappd Rating: N/A
Description: N/A
Comments: N/A

Style: Fruit Beer
Brewery: Saranac Brewery
Untappd Rating: 3.5/5
Description: N/A
Comments: N/A

Style: Imperial IPA
Untappd Rating: 2.5/5
Description: "Good bitter fruity."
Comments: Not a bad IPA.  More on the fruity end of the spectrum in terms of IPA.  It's not going to be the ultra-bitter brew you're expecting, but it's refreshing and relaxing.

Style: Fruit Beer
Untappd Rating: 3/5
Description: "Sweet beer, pineapple flavor"
Comments: Not bad, sweet relaxing ale.

Style: IPA
Untappd Rating: 3/5
Description: "Bitter IPA"
Comments: It's what you come to expect from an IPA.  Bitter, light, refreshing.  Deal!

Style: Pale Ale
Untappd Rating: 2.5/5
Description: "Weird bitterness, like a sour banana"
Comments: A mix up of several different sorts of fruit.  Not bad, but certainly a distinctive taste.  If you like different fruits, you'll enjoy this one!

Style: Stout
Untappd Rating: 3.5/5
Description: "Very coffee Peanut Butter Chocolate Stout"
Comments: Good PB & Chocolate coffee stout, with a bigger emphasis on coffee.  The PB & chocolate mix it a good sweet flavor to mix in for a nice dark treat.

Style: Grapefruit Pale Ale
Untappd Rating: 2.75/5
Description: "Very sour grapefruit pale"
Comments: Sour is the name of the game, and it shines through.  If you've ever tried grapefruit, you will definitely see how it influences the taste of the beer.

Style: Pale Ale
Untappd Rating: 3/5
Description: "Good pale ale, mild."
Comments: Decent pale ale, hits on all the right parts, and makes for a nice brew.

Style: IPA
Untappd Rating: 3.25/5
Description: N/A
Comments: N/A

Style: Saison
Untappd Rating: 4/5
Description: "Like a good whitbier"
Comments: Very good, very sweet.  Enjoyable

Style: Hefeweizen
Untappd Rating: 4/5
Description: N/A
Comments: N/A

Style: Stout
Untappd Rating: 4/5
Description: "Amazing"
Comments: Totally awesome chocolate stout.  Very sweet, very rich, and just a great dark beer!

Style: Wheat Beer
Untappd Rating: 3.25/5
Description: "Sweet bitter strawberries"
Comments: Award-winning strawberry wheat beer.  Nice sweet taste, fruity elements, effective flavoring.  Very well done!

Style: Fruit Beer
Untappd Rating: 3.25/5
Description: "Awesome"
Comments: Very good blueberry ale.  Nice taste, fruity tones, and bitter-sweetness.

Style: Stout
Untappd Rating: 4/5
Description: Epic coffee beer, fluid, sweet
Comments: Very nicely rounded coffee stout.  Delicious in the right places, and simply dark.  You will have what she's having!


Style: Fruit Beer
Untappd Rating: 3/5
Description: N/A
Comments: N/A

Style: Sour
Untappd Rating: 2.25/5
Description: Sour, cold, refreshing
Comments: Not a bad beer, but my sour buds were partied out at this point.  It was decent, and the cold description shows my intoxication level.  While not my favorite, I'm not opposed to sour lovers trying it.

Style: Cider
Untappd Rating: 2.75/5
Description: "Sweet peachy vanilla sugar"
Comments: Very sweet cider ale.  Southern influences make this a nice and refreshing drink, with peach flavors, slight bitterness, and nice taste.

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