Brewery Review
Date: Apr. 20, 2018
Tag Team Partners: None
(Blogger's Note: It's been a while since I've posted. Between a long few weeks at my day job, and lots of things going on the past month, I've been pretty busy working lots of hours for multiple days in a row and traveling around the country. The next few posts will be subsequent, but were from 1-3 months ago. I apologize for the delay, but sleep and bills need to happen/get paid.)
I was running around Lynnwood with Ren on 4/20 hoping to get to Lagunitas for their 4/20 beer (see next review) when she wanted to go to an art store, so I made a deal, she could go to the art store, I would go to a brewery.
I saw a tag in Untappd for "Ellersick Brewing" and was shocked to find Big E. Ales when I arrived. Later I found out, they are the same company, and so either way you put in into the GPS, you'll still get the same place.
They are heralded for their 12 1/2 Man IPA. They also have a chart for the indecisive people to determine what beer they should consume.
Awesome list of different beers!

The bar itself is pretty relaxing, with a laid back theme, and a pretty epic looking beer shrine on display at the taps. I always thought this looked very cool from the onset.
Overall it feels low-key. It's not a place that's going to be some crazy orgy of partying on a Saturday night, but it is a nice quiet out-of-the-way place to go drink some good craft beer with friends, share some laughs, and just relax.
On my Tap for the Evening was:
Hoppy Ending
Style: Pale Ale
Ellersick Brewing
Untapped Rating: 3.5/5
Description: "Smooth refreshing light ale, dry."
Comments: Pretty good pale ale, more on the dry end, light, and refreshing.
Style: Amber Ale
Ellersick Brewing
Untapped Rating: 3/5
Description: "Smooth, very malty, amber ale."
Comments: This is a nice amber. It's got the flavor, and the maltiness down.
Blackberry Ale
Style: Fruit Beer
Ellersick Brewing
Untapped Rating: 2.75/5
Description: "Nice, very distinct blackberry taste, subtle sweet."
Comments: I wasn't too crazy about this one, but for a fruit beer it works. The flavor is right, and the sweetness is very subtle.
Scotch Ale
Style: Scotch Ale
Ellersick Brewing
Untapped Rating: 4/5
Description: "Very smooth refreshing Scotch Ale, Malty"
Comments: This was the drink of the night. Super smooth in taste, rich in flavor, and malt to boot. Drink this!
Hoppy Redhead
Style: ESB
Ellersick Brewing
Untapped Rating: 3/5
Description: "Bitter hoppy red ale, ESB style, malty."
Comments: This bitter beer will bite, nice and sharp, malty, with a hopping red flavor.
12 1/2 Man IPA
Style: IPA
Ellersick Brewing
Untapped Rating: 3/5
Description: "Good IPA, clean citrus hops."
Comments: I thought this would stand out more based on the name, but it certainly does the job. I liked it, and would definitely drink it again. One of their signatures.
2 Pint IPA
Style: IPA
Ellersick Brewing
Untapped Rating: 3/5
Description: "Smooth, strong, sweet."
Comments: It's your normal IPA with a sweeter taste to it.