Mariner's Single to Center Field
Location: Seattle, WA
Date: Apr. 13, 2018
Tag Team Partners: Mat, Haley, and 25,349 other fans
(Blogger's Note: It's been a while since I've posted. Between a long few weeks at my day job, and lots of things going on the past month, I've been pretty busy working lots of hours for multiple days in a row and traveling around the country. The next few posts will be subsequent, but were from 1-3 months ago. I apologize for the delay, but sleep and bills need to happen/get paid.)
The game was kinda strange for us as it was a rainy day, so they had the roof over Safeco Field. You had the visual perception of being inside, but yet atmospherically you were outside.Tag Team Partners: Mat, Haley, and 25,349 other fans
(Blogger's Note: It's been a while since I've posted. Between a long few weeks at my day job, and lots of things going on the past month, I've been pretty busy working lots of hours for multiple days in a row and traveling around the country. The next few posts will be subsequent, but were from 1-3 months ago. I apologize for the delay, but sleep and bills need to happen/get paid.)
I headed with Mat downtown to drink some beer, and catch some awesome Major League Baseball action. We met Haley at the stadium (after a number of Uber rides to deter traffic issues). The Seattle Mariners took on the Oakland Athletics on Ben Gamel night (Who ironically, was not in the line-up, nor in attendance). At the door, we received some awesome Mariner's hats with the long locks of Ben Gamel attached to it. Maybe it wasn't the real thing, but still pretty cool. This is the 2nd time I've seen the two teams play, and this one was much better. This was Mat and Haley's first game. The entire place was rocking, and I had to grab some delicious brew while there.
The cool thing about Mariner's games are the Grasshoppers you can get from vendor areas. It may look disgusting, but honestly, it's like eating a sunflower seed with some sun-dried spice to it. Try it, you won't be disappointed.
I had 2 beers there, however due to some pregaming earlier, I only recall the one (which is fine, as the other one was not nearly as good).
Overall, it was a great game day experience. Mitch Haniger hit his first home run, and several other belted out several others to deliver an amazing time, and I can't wait for us all to go back.

The Mariners pulled off the win with a decisive 7-4 victory.
On my Tap for the Night was:
Style: Stout
Brewery: Sam Smith's Old Brewery
Untapped Rating: 3.75/5
Description: "N/A"
Comments: Delicious Oatmeal Stout. This import came all the way across the pond and the country to be enjoyed here, and was well worth it. It had a wonderful stout aroma, great flavors of oatmeal, and went down super smooth. Definitely recommended for your next ballgame!